If you're being "Cancelled" you're doing something wrong
So-called "Cancel Culture" isn't about taking things away from you. The removal of possibly-offensive items from the offerings of some companies is not about depriving you of these things, it's about the companies wanting to no longer contribute to things and ideas that offend some people. It's a basic business principle: give the people what they want. If the majority of people are calling for change, most big companies will make that change in the interest of business. I can almost guarantee you that there are changes which have been made in the past for exactly the same reasons as the recent decisions, which have benefitted you. Just to get to where we are now, to where you have these things to be outraged about the changing of, has taken many, many generations of change and progress. When the few cry out that injustices are being inflicted on toys or cartoon characters by those who control said commodities, what they are really saying is, "I value the sta...