Year End Ketchup

I've been trying to catch up on my Burn Notice addiction. Bought season 2 a few weeks ago. I'm on disc 4. Christmas is coming up fast, and I'm going to ask for seasons 3 and 4. I just really like that show.
One of the things I've been updating a lot is my YouTube page, I've added many of my songs, including 3 or 4 I've written in the past few months. I'm also making a fairly regular appearance on Facebook, now that Emily and I have a computer at home, and an internet connection. I was starting to think it would never happen, but we budgeted and researched and ended up with an Acer laptop so she can take some online college classes, and I can do some marketing of my music and budding side project of freelance graphic design.
I rebuilt a gate next to the house to keep the dog from getting out of the yard. Boy did it need it. Rotten wood and broken planks, the thing would hardly open and close. The original gate used a steel frame, so I used that and 3 of the old planks, and I put in new cross-support 2x4s, two new dog-eared cedar planks, and all new screws. Besides the trip to Home Depot, the whole job took me maybe an hour. It was good to get my tools out and do something manly for a change. Oh, and I went to Sears and bought a few more tool things with a gift card I got for my birthday.
I bought tickets to Iris, the new Cirque du Soleil show at the Kodak Theatre. We're going on the 23d, the day before Thanksgiving.
I won a costume contest at work, but have yet to collect my prize. Not sure what's up with that, but it will come.
The old band, 13 Knots, is getting together for a little revival practice. Scott decided he wanted to jam again just for kicks, and he got through to the rest of us (except for Xena, who is in Austin). So we're going to do that this Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. I've been wanting to play bass with somebody for a while now, pretty much since I got my new Danelectro bass and Ampeg amp. And the Knots haven't played together since my wedding reception almost 6 years ago.
It looks like I'll be heading back to Buford, GA next month to shoot a video for the job, then I rush back and start editing it to beat a January deadline. I'm going to need a new computer for that, as we've already purchased Adobe Premier Pro for the project, and none of our computers will run it! I guess we're going to start making training videos, etc, now that we will have the means to produce professional-quality videos. And I get to learn how to do it! I'm the go-to guy for this, on my way to being a big-time movie director. Yeah, that's it.
Delilah is almost 2 1/2, and she is getting into the terrible stage, testing limits and patience and all that. I think we'll all come out better for it in the end. She really is amazing.
So there's a lot going on, and I am looking forward to the future and all that it holds.
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