the Unarmed vs. the Unjust
They're trying to maintain too much control. Some things you just don't need to control. The People, as Ramona says below, need to be able to protest when things aren't right. They're trying to do it the right way, and not in the face of the fascist bully police themselves. Because you know what happens then.
I can't help but notice that the people who most loudly yell about their second amendment rights are often the same people who trample the first amendment rights of others. The ones who recognize that the police state is getting out of control are commonly the same who are saying that everyone in the nation doesn't need guns. So the ones with the guns are on the side of the ones with the guns, and the ones without the guns are asking everyone to lay them down. Clearly, when the uprising happens, it will be the unarmed against the unjust.
I am going to go into some unpopular territory here. I wish none of this was happening the way it is, with the brutality and unwarranted and criminal murder these police are not being held accountable for, the unnecessary violence toward mostly minorities in the streets. And here's where I start to make enemies: When a police officer pulls me over or detains me, I recognize off the bat that he has the gun, and I don't want any trouble, so, if I'm innocent, I comply with the officer, let him do what he feels he has to (not that I'm treated similarly to a minority, but hear me out) and I let my innocence speak for itself. I recognize that giving the cops a hard time (the more of an a*hole he is, the dumber it is to fight back) will only get me in more trouble. If I comply and am found innocent, I'm free and clear, and maybe even get a little settlement. That is not to say that the police have the right to behave the way they do, but that we kind of know that they have it in them, that it's a very real possibility that we will be abused by them if they aren't satisfied with our behavior. So I cooperate. I obey.
I recognize that many of the minorities who are abused by police are honestly completely innocent and compliant, and there is no excuse for it, but what I'm seeing a lot of these days is people standing up to the police, telling them that they are innocent, and that they can't be treated this way because they have rights and so forth. Well, just as it is not the cop's job to try or sentence ANYONE, it is also not the policeman's job to hear your plea of "not guilty" and to judge you, guilty or innocent. All they know is that you are guilty of non-compliance with their "orders," and that most people who are guilty of something will say that they are not guilty until it is proven otherwise. You can't just let someone go because they say they're not doing anything. So police are trained to be paranoid, and we should know that in general. As soon as their orders are not being followed, they worry that they're losing control of the situation. Cowards and bullies. Sometimes it gets cloudy, exactly what their job is. So it's very unlikely you'll win a confrontation with police, and if you do, you become Public Enemy #1.
So my thought has often been, "why don't we stop hiring these roided out jocks with something to prove to be police officers?" But the fact is, if we didn't have them, who would line up to put their lives at risk to protect others? Everything about the job (except the "justice for all" part) calls to them. "You get to shoot guns, you get to beat people up, you get to drive these tricked-out cars and run people off the road, you get to manhandle and overpower people whenever you want! It's the bomb, yo!" (because, even though they target and diminish the lives and culture of America's blacks, they still appropriate some of it into their own behavior because it's "cool." Hypocritical AF.) So if it wasn't for the bully mentality, I think it would be pretty hard to fill those blue suits. So that's my idea of a problem, not an excuse.
I also find it rather convenient that the "right to bear arms" and the freedoms the right wing tends to fight for sets up the police so that "he might have a gun" is always on their mind when approaching a "suspect," giving them justification for their deadly force. I've heard a million times that "if you outlaw guns, then only the outlaws will have guns." True, mainly the police. But take that away and they have much less of an excuse to shoot people. "What made you think he might have a gun? What about his demeanor or appearance gave you the impression that he was the type to know a black-market arms dealer and that he came up with the cash necessary to acquire a gun?" It ties their hands in a lot of cases. They're less free to shoot and kill if it's much less likely that the "perpetrators" are armed. On the flip side, if you take most of the guns away, we could hire some mentally stable people for police work.
I can't help but notice that the people who most loudly yell about their second amendment rights are often the same people who trample the first amendment rights of others. The ones who recognize that the police state is getting out of control are commonly the same who are saying that everyone in the nation doesn't need guns. So the ones with the guns are on the side of the ones with the guns, and the ones without the guns are asking everyone to lay them down. Clearly, when the uprising happens, it will be the unarmed against the unjust.
I am going to go into some unpopular territory here. I wish none of this was happening the way it is, with the brutality and unwarranted and criminal murder these police are not being held accountable for, the unnecessary violence toward mostly minorities in the streets. And here's where I start to make enemies: When a police officer pulls me over or detains me, I recognize off the bat that he has the gun, and I don't want any trouble, so, if I'm innocent, I comply with the officer, let him do what he feels he has to (not that I'm treated similarly to a minority, but hear me out) and I let my innocence speak for itself. I recognize that giving the cops a hard time (the more of an a*hole he is, the dumber it is to fight back) will only get me in more trouble. If I comply and am found innocent, I'm free and clear, and maybe even get a little settlement. That is not to say that the police have the right to behave the way they do, but that we kind of know that they have it in them, that it's a very real possibility that we will be abused by them if they aren't satisfied with our behavior. So I cooperate. I obey.
I recognize that many of the minorities who are abused by police are honestly completely innocent and compliant, and there is no excuse for it, but what I'm seeing a lot of these days is people standing up to the police, telling them that they are innocent, and that they can't be treated this way because they have rights and so forth. Well, just as it is not the cop's job to try or sentence ANYONE, it is also not the policeman's job to hear your plea of "not guilty" and to judge you, guilty or innocent. All they know is that you are guilty of non-compliance with their "orders," and that most people who are guilty of something will say that they are not guilty until it is proven otherwise. You can't just let someone go because they say they're not doing anything. So police are trained to be paranoid, and we should know that in general. As soon as their orders are not being followed, they worry that they're losing control of the situation. Cowards and bullies. Sometimes it gets cloudy, exactly what their job is. So it's very unlikely you'll win a confrontation with police, and if you do, you become Public Enemy #1.
So my thought has often been, "why don't we stop hiring these roided out jocks with something to prove to be police officers?" But the fact is, if we didn't have them, who would line up to put their lives at risk to protect others? Everything about the job (except the "justice for all" part) calls to them. "You get to shoot guns, you get to beat people up, you get to drive these tricked-out cars and run people off the road, you get to manhandle and overpower people whenever you want! It's the bomb, yo!" (because, even though they target and diminish the lives and culture of America's blacks, they still appropriate some of it into their own behavior because it's "cool." Hypocritical AF.) So if it wasn't for the bully mentality, I think it would be pretty hard to fill those blue suits. So that's my idea of a problem, not an excuse.
I also find it rather convenient that the "right to bear arms" and the freedoms the right wing tends to fight for sets up the police so that "he might have a gun" is always on their mind when approaching a "suspect," giving them justification for their deadly force. I've heard a million times that "if you outlaw guns, then only the outlaws will have guns." True, mainly the police. But take that away and they have much less of an excuse to shoot people. "What made you think he might have a gun? What about his demeanor or appearance gave you the impression that he was the type to know a black-market arms dealer and that he came up with the cash necessary to acquire a gun?" It ties their hands in a lot of cases. They're less free to shoot and kill if it's much less likely that the "perpetrators" are armed. On the flip side, if you take most of the guns away, we could hire some mentally stable people for police work.
"This is what happens when you live in a dictatorship and police state. There is no oversight of police. Internal investigations says it all. They need to be held accountable to external local, state and federal investigations and commissions. The culture of racism and violence is encouraged within the departments and by the fascists that have militarized them and call upon The Police to do their bidding and that of the corporations and oligarchy. Those who would protect and serve are silenced or retaliated against. The People no longer rule. The idiocracy thinks it does. But they will come to learn that it is un-American to allow your fellow Americans to be attacked and subjugated and killed on these streets that the cops claim are theirs. And it is unAmerican to place your hand over your heart for a National Anthem and flag that no longer applies to us because Fascism and Oligarchy rules the day, not The People. But you indulge in hypocrisy all you want. Our vets know The Enemy they swore to protect us and the constitution against is at home. It is un-American to ignore the melting pot and say that if we don’t like American laws and customs we should get out, because it is not just the majority culture in America but a melting pot that has been here long before the white man ever set foot in these lands and after. And as Martin Luther King and Thomas Jefferson said, we have a moral obligation to break bad laws and customs; like this custom of police brutality on steroids. They think this is their streets. These are our streets. If the kneeling at NFL bothers you, bores you, or you’ve had enough of it already because it is played out for ya, too fucking bad. That kneeling is not going to stop regardless of how many NFL jerseys you burn in your grill or how many racist memes you post about leaving America if you don’t like it racist and fascist AF. Well, we don’t like it fascist and racist AF. Fascism will be obliterated and institutional racism will be unrouted and the white majority will fuck off with imposing their bastardized, English, German, and Dutch amalgamation of a stale AF culture on everyone else. The protests won’t stop until We, The People, rule again and establish laws that gives power back to The People and not those who think they can take our constitutional and civil rights away to subjugate and murder Americans who aren’t white and are not burning a jersey on a grill today. Smh. There are minorities in the idiocracy burning a jersey on a grill today too. Lol. Hahaha. Good for them. Football is boring anyways. It’s like watching two old ladies knitting for some of us."
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