"If you don't like guns, don't buy one."

That's a pretty asinine statement. It's not owning guns that we have a problem with, it's all the other people owning them that's a problem, and that's driving us to keep them just in case we need to protect ourselves from the psychos who love their guns too much.

It's not even that I don't like guns. I actually like them quite a bit. But I'm willing to sacrifice my right to own any ol' type of gun I want for the sake of our future. Cut down the gun violence, let the mothers and brothers and children and so forth have a chance at life like we have had. Someone's right to live should not be trumped by someone else's right to own killing machines.

Mass shootings are a problem, and more guns is not the answer. It will only lead to death from more directions. These people whose brains are stuck in this gear, who can't see any other way besides the freedom to be a dumbfuck are really putting a crick in my spine.

Here's another one:

So this kid had an assault rifle why? Because he was a criminal? Because criminals will always get guns regardless of laws, right? NO. He killed people because the gun was AVAILABLE.  We need to stop making them so available. No doubt it was a family gun, so the family likes guns, yet nobody else heroically shot him down to prevent the killings. Because that's NOT THE WAY IT WORKS. Guns are NOT the answer to the gun problem.


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