Everyone has a gun
If it’s expected that everyone (or most everyone) has a gun, then you increase the chances of the criminals having guns to nearly 100%. Criminals are going to do what they do, whether it involves shooting people, or gassing people, or blowing people up, or whatever it takes to do “their job.” Like it or not, crime is what some people do for a living. They will find a way. If everyone has a gun, a criminal will plan their job with the intention of killing as many people as necessary. By carrying a gun, you are making yourself a target to criminals. If someone walks into a convenience store to rob it, and that person has a gun, and he knows that a high percentage of other people in the store will also have guns, he is likely to kill more people than he otherwise might. Rather than discourage criminals, I think it will encourage them to be more ready to shoot. Same thing goes for police. If they believe that most people have guns, they will be more anxious to shoot anyone they fe...