Everyone has a gun

If it’s expected that everyone (or most everyone) has a gun, then you increase the chances of the criminals having guns to nearly 100%. Criminals are going to do what they do, whether it involves shooting people, or gassing people, or blowing people up, or whatever it takes to do “their job.” Like it or not, crime is what some people do for a living. They will find a way.

If everyone has a gun, a criminal will plan their job with the intention of killing as many people as necessary. By carrying a gun, you are making yourself a target to criminals.

If someone walks into a convenience store to rob it, and that person has a gun, and he knows that a high percentage of other people in the store will also have guns, he is likely to kill more people than he otherwise might. Rather than discourage criminals, I think it will encourage them to be more ready to shoot. Same thing goes for police. If they believe that most people have guns, they will be more anxious to shoot anyone they fear might be trying to shoot them. Look at all the instances of people being shot while holding wallets or cell phones.

So the American way is “kill anyone who disagrees with you.”

By the widespread use of firearms and the legal status of them and availability of them and all, that leads to everyone wanting to kill. they say that the good guys having guns means that the bad guys will be more intimidated and less likely to attack. I don't think that's true. In many of the mass shooter situations the shooter appears to be essentially suicidal, not caring that they die, or killing themself at the end of the rampage, or the suicide by cop kind of thing. they don't care if they die. unless you don't care you probably aren't at that point where you're going to commit a mass shooting. that's what  makes me suspicious of the Las Vegas shooter: that was different and that guy seemed like he was trying to get away. but most of them just walk around shooting like they don't care.
everyone's quest to be fatal, giving more guns to people, it's just going to elevate every situation into a lethal one because somebody is going to get offended and it's going to escalate to a fight and then someone is going to say that they felt their life was threatened and that it justified shooting somebody. "Standing their ground." I don't think we should be so quick to this fatal solution. we don't want to kill everyone that we disagree with or get in a fight with.
maybe it's an aspect of Nature's population control; there is a part of me that understands people are harmful to the Earth and and they're supposed to die. there are times when Nature just comes down and kills hundreds indiscriminately. so do we need to kill each other also? it's always been the way with humans ever since civilization started forming. you had different groups with slightly different beliefs that eventually leads to war so we're always supposed to fight with each other but do we want the fights that we have with each other to likely escalate to somebody dying? the more guns you have and other thing that you give guns to everybody and then everybody is going to be on edge ready to kill because they could be killed it any minute you think that more people being armed will discourage criminals from committing crimes no it will make sure that they know I'm going to have to kill everyone in there in order to get away with this so I'll just find a way to do that without guns if everyone has a gun and is likely to shoot a criminal then that Criminal is going to kill more people because they know that it's a fatal risk everybody everybody's everyday that they go out in the Fatal risk if everybody has guns criminals won't even need guns well I'll be too busy shooting each other they can just walk in and do some other sneaky move that they develop there's always going to be a better Criminal you can't stop them all and stop stopping them means killing them why are we all in such a hurry to kill something

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